Monday, January 12, 2009


God is organic and we reflect that part of his image.
He is the vine, we are the branches.
We are like trees, planted by streams of water.
The fruits of our Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control.
He is the bread of life, the living water.
His word is a seed that won't return to him void.
We are seeds planted in fertile ground that bear fruit.
His people are a vineyard that he cares for and tends lovingly.
We are sheep, he is the shepherd.
We are salt, sent to flavor the world.

Because we are organic, we grow and need specific conditions to do this; we go through seasons, experiencing life, death and life again; we are connected to each other and affect one another; and we have a creator--we do not bring life to ourselves, we do not give purpose to ourselves, but we are given life and purpose and a cycle of being by one with greater power than ourselves, the creator.

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