Tuesday, February 9, 2010

classical music and...snow?

one of those secret pleasures (that is about to not be secret anymore) of mine is on monday nights, after small group, getting into my car to drive home, blasting the heat or putting down the windows (depending on my temperature needs) and turning the volume dial up until i hear the sweet swelling of classical music through the speakers: "performance today" on NPR. i listen to it all the way home, sometimes waiting in the driveway to hear the end of a piece that i am especially enjoying.

i was so thankful for it last night. my head was so full of the most unpleasant and anxiety-infused thoughts that i needed to be distracted. not all music does that for me, but something about classical music whisks me away. i allow myself to concentrate on all the different parts, how they cooperate together to create a gorgeous fullness, and there's just not room in my head for much else. last night, i got home and put my seat back down so i could relax while i listened. i stayed out there for a while, clearing my head.

i wish it had lasted for longer, but when i went inside the house, my thoughts came back in a rush. it was like trying to keep rain off a windshield in a thunderstorm.

we have a two-hour delay today. i havent found the balance between relief and frustration yet. as long as they don't cancel, i think ill be okay. i keep looking outside to see snow flakes drifting into my driveway but nothing has happened yet, although the skies look so heavy this morning.

mikey says they're pregnant....pregnant with precipitation.

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