Monday, July 7, 2008


things that my first (temporary) college roommate taught me:

1. collaborating on the room set-up is an adequate introduction
2. hospitality has its limits but guilt is interminable
3. questions are better answered by actions than words
4. its less uncomfortable to say ooops! than to ask for permission
5. lying for each other is the roommate's initiation into friendship

things that i did NOT learn from my first (temporary) college roommate:

1. the cafeteria feels safer with a friend at your table
2. college will be an easier adjustment if you arrange knickknacks on shelves and have a set of drawers all your own
3. boy sleepovers are a joint roomie decision
4. be careful where you decide to put a tattoo
5. the gym opens at 6am


things that I learned from my husband:

1. "cooling off" means nursing a wound and then shoving those feelings deep down so that the explosion will be more impressive in the next argument
2. God has multiple personalities, so he's okay with unique worship
3. the differences between men and women should be celebrated--or at least, women should recognize men's differences as inevitable traits of the race and offer some tolerance
4. patience is a virtue...and still a virtue and, STILL a virtue...
5. don't ever ask "what are you thinking about?"

things that my husband did NOT teach me (and never will):

1. marriage stereotypes are true: husbands must eventually grow dull, wordless and irritated and wives must eventually grow paranoid, garrulous and grating.
2. a lack of thoughtful, loving acts is evidence that your husband doesn't care anymore
3. its better not to know and only safe to keep some things secret
4. men and women must accept that they are from different origins and can never cross over to understand each other
5. not speaking means not listening

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